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Committee Updates (and Tryouts!)

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

Tryouts (Adult Teams + U18 Boys)

Tryouts will follow a new format this season to allow for more flexibility for players and coaches. Starting the week commencing 14th August, sessions will run until 31st August. You can book your spot for a session via Spond and a full list of dates and instructions for joining will be posted here on 2nd August (Wednesday) – please look out for that!

· 02 August 2023 – Full timetable announcement, instructions for joining and bookings will be posted in our website; You will be able to book your spot via Spond;

· 14 August 2023 – Tryouts week starts – check the full timetable for specific team and information on self-assessment;

· 06 September 2023 – You will receive a welcome email and information on which team you have been invited to and instructions for the next steps

· 11 September 2023 – Indoor training starts! Please refer to your welcome email or our Info Page for details on training schedule;

Juniors/Youth Training

Indoor sessions for Youth will be starting from 11th September with a plan for “Come and Have A Go” sessions during that week. For existing players – we will be posting information in Spond.

For new players and beginners who want to have a go at playing Volleyball for the first time we will be posting information in our News section in the Website by 25th August latest (including Fees, Training Schedule, how to join, etc.). So please keep on the lookout!

Training, Fees and a New Hall (adult)

Following the results of the Members’ Survey, this incoming season the committee has decided to extend adult training sessions time from 1.5 hours to 2 hours for each team (2x a week for NVL and Southwest League teams, and 1x a week for B&D League teams). Full training schedule will be posted on 2nd August in our website.

This means that subscription and membership fees will have to increase in line with that change – and not least because our venues have increased their prices around 20%. A schedule of the fees for each team will be posted in the website on 2nd August.

Given time restrictions with our current venues at Avanti Gardens School and Abbeywood Community School we have now added an additional venue on Thursdays at Merchants Academy Sports Centre – which we will trial for the 2023-24 season.

Development – Beginners and Advanced

This year we’re restructuring our Development sessions to give our players an improved experience. We are running two Development sessions – one for Beginners (these would be for those completely new to Volleyball or those with some volleyball experience in school who want to re-learn the basics); and another for Advanced players (these would be for those who have more experience or “improvers” in Volleyball and want to take the next step with gameplay and skills development; this group will also compete in the Bristol & District League’s Mixed Division – which is a 6v6 coed 3 women and 3 men). As usual, our indoor training season starts September up to April.


Following the recent vacancy of the Club Chair role, the executive committee of the Club has agreed to continue operating with the current elected executive committee until a new Chair is elected.

A new chair will be elected at an Emergency General Meeting (EGM) in December 2023. Due to practicalities, i.e. pre-season and first few months being the busiest time of the year for players, coaches and committee, the Committee has agreed to organize the EGM in December in line with a social event. There are two aims for this: 1) elect a Chair and 2) make necessary changes to the constitution to reflect the times. In the meantime, the Committee shall continue to deal with the daily running of the Club and Club policy. In the absence of a Chair, the two elected Vice Chairs will alternate chairing committee meetings and ensure the constitutional running of the Club.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us at

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