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2023-2024 Season and Tryouts Information!

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

Welcome to Bristol Volleyball Club website and thank you very much for showing interest in our club!

This page will give you all the information you need to know about the 2023-2024 season, including information about the tryouts (format, dates & schedule), season fees & registration, training schedule, venues and coaches!

Meet our Committee members

- Chair (Executive): Vacant

- Vice Chair - Plans & Future (Executive): Bupie Buiser

- Vice Chair - Membership & Admin (Executive): Ines Gomes

- Secretary (Executive): Anita Noneva

- Treasurer (Executive): Mari-Liis Sits

- Welfare Officer (Executive): Tesni Perry

- Social Media Officer (Non-Executive): Erin Jefferys

- Website Officer (Non-Executive): Sindi Barrios

- Socials Officer (Non-Executive): Emily Clerk

- Youth Officer (Non-Executive): Jeremy Harris

- Kit & Equipment Officer (Non-Executive): Liene Knupke

2023-2024 Season

After a long Summer break, we are looking to start the indoor season on the week commencing 11th September.

Training schedule

This is the planned schedule with information about all the teams we have, training days, timings, and coaches:

*Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances, this schedule and coaches might be subject to changes.

When coming up with this schedule, we took into consideration our players and coaches’ feedback:

- NVL and SW League teams to have 2 x 2 hour sessions each week

- B&D League teams to have 1x 2hour session each week

- 3x Youth sessions of 2 hours each. These sessions will be divided into levels and gender more info to come out later)

- 1x Under18s session for intermediate/advanced youth players (boys only), which will play in the B&D league.

- 2 Development sessions per week:

o Development A – Intermediate level – This session is aimed at Development intermediate players who have already some volleyball experience and will play in the B&D league.

o Development B – Beginners – This session is aimed at complete beginners

- Latest session to finish at 10pm

- Most teams to have 2 coaches to provide a better support

Our Venues

- Avanti Sportshall – Fishponds

- Abbeywood Community School – Filton

- Merchants Academy Sports Centre – Bishopsworth

Important information:

- Student discount applies only for those enrolled in full-time or part-time degree programmes.

- Subs are rounded up and calculated for 8-month season, running from September 2023 to April 2024.

- The registration fee is a one-off annual fee paid at the beginning of the season.

Any questions regarding membership, please email

Any questions regarding subs and fees, please email

What’s my Level – Self-Assessment Guide

As a reference, we have created a self-assessment guide to help you decide which team better fits your level.

*Please note that this is just a guide and all players are subject to tryouts before being accepted into any team. More information on tryouts below.

Tryouts Information

Any player looking to attend our training sessions will have to first attend a tryout. Tryouts are the way for the coaches to assess your volleyball level and experience and place you in the team that better fits you.

Following last year’s feedback, this year we decided to change the tryouts format to give everyone a better and fairer chance to make it to the correct team. We are going to have 3 weeks of tryouts, where coaches will be able to assess players individually but also in team/game situations.

How to register

To attend our tryouts, please join our Spond App and pay a fee of £6 for each tryout session you attend.

How to register on Spond:

- Download the Mobile App called “Spond” or create an account/sign in to For Apple users use this link; For Google Play use this link.

- Search for “Bristol Volleyball Club” or code ADYXF, or use this link

- We will approve your request and you’ll be able to see all the sessions and payment method. We might also use Spond for important communications so please make sure you keep an eye out.

Important dates

o Tryouts to start on the week of the 14th August.

o Tryouts to end on the 31st August.

o Team invites to be sent out to players on the 5th September.

o Player acceptance until the 8th September.

o Training sessions to start on the week commencing on the 11th September.

Tryouts Format & Schedule

*Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances, this schedule might be subject to changes.

- Week 1 – 14th to 18th August – Assess:

o Intention: This week will be divided into general advanced, higher intermediate and intermediate sessions. This will be the week for people to re-familiarise themselves with indoor after summer.

- Week 2 – 21st to 25th August – Draft Teams:

o Intention: This week will be divided into the different teams we have, with the sessions and drills to be more focused on the specific team level.

- Week 3 – 28th to 31st August – 2023-24 Squads:

o Intention: This week’s intention will be to challenge and push players to show their level and abilities on a more challenging scenario as well as to ‘polish’ team placement decisions.

Please refer to the above Self-Assessment Guide to determine which tryouts session you should attend.

Important information

- Tryout fee: £6 for each tryout session you attend.

- Spond events to be released on the 3rd August.

- Each tryout session will have a maximum of 24 players attending.

- You are welcome to attend more than one tryout session, however, if we reach the maximum number of players on the session, we will prioritise people that have not yet attended a session. This way, we guarantee that everyone will have the chance to attend at least one tryout session.

- If you can't attend any tryout sessions, please email We cannot guarantee you a place in a team, however, we will try our best to offer you a tryout with a team when the season starts.

- Team selections are made by the coaches. We understand that the results can sometimes be disappointing, however, please understand that we have a big number of players interested in joining the club and occasionally hard decisions need to be made by the coaches.

- If you are a beginner (adult or youth), you do not need to attend a tryout (more information below).

- If you are under 18 years old you can tryout for an adult team, however, we highly recommend that you only do this if you are a very experienced player. For intermediate and experienced Youth Boys players, please attend the Under 18s tryout session.

For anyone under 18 attending any tryout session, please email to request a consent form. No youth players will be allowed to attend tryouts without a consent form.

Development and Youth Teams – Come & Have a Go Sessions

If you are a beginner (adult or youth) or a lower intermediate player, you do not need to attend a tryout. We will be running ‘Come and Have a Go’ sessions on the week commencing on the 4th September (to be confirmed) for Youth and Adult Development players.

These sessions are a great way to get involved in Volleyball, learn or develop your skills and game knowledge. These sessions will also be a way for the coaches to decide which session (complete beginner or intermediate) you should attend. On top of everything, you’ll also be able to meet new people and get involved with the Club!

Youth sessions are run by qualified and DBS checked coaches, which will ensure that juniors can have fun in a safe environment.

If you have any questions regarding the Youth sessions please contact Jeremy Harris (Lead Youth Coach & Youth Officer) at

If you have any questions regarding the adult sessions, please email

Summer Sessions

We are still running FREE outdoor grass sessions until September. If you are interested in getting involved and are not yet part of the club, please add yourself to our Spond group, which we will use to invite you to the sessions (see the above instructions).

There will be sessions open to all levels, but also sessions targeted to ‘beginners/intermediate’ or ‘intermediate/advanced’. Youth will have separate sessions.

These sessions are a great way to play volleyball, meet new people, get involved with the club and have loads of fun!

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