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Safeguarding Adults Policy

Updated: Oct 21, 2024

Date: 04/07/2024


Bristol Volleyball Club believes that everyone has the right to live free from abuse or neglect regardless of age, ability or disability, sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or gender status. We are committed to creating and maintaining a positive environment where all concerns will be listened to, acted on appropriately and all participants treated with respect. 

This policy aims to cover:   

  • The legislation, our commitment and procedures for safeguarding adults.

  • Our role and responsibility for safeguarding adults.

  • What to do or who to speak to if someone has a concern relating to the welfare or wellbeing of an adult. 

An adult at risk is an individual aged 18 years and over who: 

  • has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) AND; 

  • is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect, AND; 

  • as a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect.

As part of this policy, we will: 

  • Adopt and promote safeguarding best practice through our policies, procedures and code of conduct for members, volunteers, parents & carers.

  • Ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and is provided with appropriate learning opportunities to recognise, identify and respond to signs of abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns relating to adults at risk. 

  • Ensure appropriate access is taken in the event of all incidents or concerns, both lower-level and concerns of abuse, and support provided to the individual(s) who raise or disclose the concern. 

  • Ensure that confidential, details and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored. 

  • Appoint a nominated club welfare officer for adults at risk. 

  • Share information about safeguarding and good practice with all adults. 

  • Make sure that adults know where to go for help if they have a concern.


An important consideration for all members, volunteers and participants within Bristol Volleyball Club is that all concerns about adults at risk should be reported. It is not the responsibility of individuals to determine whether abuse has taken place, but it is their responsibility to follow these procedures to report concerns.

Concerns can come from a variety of sources; 

  • Observations of changes in behaviour

  • Observations of an incident

  • Reports by the adults themselves 

  • Someone else about a concern.

  • Concerns may include general concerns about an adults' welfare, concerns about bullying or poor practice, suspicions or allegations of misconduct or abuse, or concerns about anxiety issues or mental health.  They could also be concerns relating to the behaviour of any child or adult involved or spectating at your club.

If an adult tells you about a concern:

  • Listen to them and let them know that you will need to report this concern in order to keep them safe. 

  • Do not promise to keep secrets. 

  • Reassure the adult that they have done the right thing in talking to you. 

  • Only ask questions that assist you in to reporting the concern to the CWO or Volleyball England Lead Safeguarding Officer.

If you have concerns about the welfare of an adult, you should follow these procedures:

  • Find out as much as you need to determine whether this is a concern (see the below information about how to record a disclosure).

  • If there is an immediate risk, call 999 and keep a record of the person you spoke to.

  • Inform the Club Welfare Officer. The CWO will inform parents, carers or spouse of the concerns unless this would pose a risk to the adult. If the concern is about the CWO then please report to Volleyball England.

Details of CWO:

Nilgun Bari


Who can help support you:

Bristol Volleyball Club believes that all members of the volleyball community have responsibilities to help protect adults at risk. 

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