1.1. Bristol Volleyball Club (referred to as ‘the Club’ herein) promotes a safe, engaging, fair and inclusive
environment for everyone who takes part in, or supports the delivery and development of Volleyball by
adhering to mutual respect, good sportsmanship and highest standards of behaviour and ethics.
1.2. The club has a zero-tolerance policy on all forms of bullying and abuse – verbal, emotional, or physical abuse.
1.3. The club has a zero-tolerance policy on all forms of hate or discrimination based on a person’s sex, sexual
orientation, gender, race, disability, age, pregnancy and maternity, and religion or belief.
1.4. This Code of Conduct sets out the standards and expectations of all those who participate in the Club’s
activities, and sanctioned events – including and especially during club-sponsored events, training sessions, all
matches in all leagues Club has sanctioned for club teams and club players to participate in.
1.5. Everyone affiliated to the Club is required to abide by this Code of Conduct, in addition to their leagues’ or
Volleyball England’s Code of Conduct.
2.1. Should behaviour fall below the standards set in this document, the Committee will take all exhaustive efforts
to handle cases seriously and fairly under the guidance of the Club Welfare Officer. The application of
sanctions will be consistent, relevant, and proportionate as defined by our Grievance and Disciplinary Policy
under which any breach or alleged breach will be investigated.
3.1. This section of the Code of Conduct is applicable to all who are affiliates of the Club including but not limited
to adult and youth members, parents and guardians, coaches or assistant coaches, volunteers, officials,
executive and co-opted committee members.
3.2. This section is applicable in all scenarios related to Volleyball where affiliates are representing or in a capacity
relating to Bristol Volleyball Club including but not limited to: team training sessions, league participation or
official matches, friendly matches, all types of communication or social media platforms, or social events.
3.3. As part of Bristol Volleyball Club, I will:
3.3.1. act at all times as an ambassador and advocate for the sport;
3.3.2. treat all persons with respect, dignity, tolerance, and highest standards of sportsmanship;
3.3.3. respect the rules, regulations and requirements of volleyball and the league/match I participate in;
3.3.4. respect the confidentiality and sensitivities of information I hold and comply with current UK GDPR
policy: Data protection: The Data Protection Act - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk);
3.3.5. respect and adhere to the safeguarding policy of the Club;
3.3.6. respect people’s sexual orientation, gender, race, disability, age, pregnancy and maternity status, and
religion or belief;
3.3.7. respect the result of the games where reasonable objections are directed to proper channels;
3.3.8. not attempt to offer nor accept (either directly or indirectly) any consideration whatsoever in return for
influencing/attempting to influence the result of games for personal gain – including but not limited to
betting on any matches or events where I am participating in any non-spectator capacity;
3.3.9. will conduct myself in a manner that does not bring the Club into disrepute;
3.3.10. will not abuse or misuse any relationship of trust or position of power or influence I hold;
3.3.11. will challenge any form of hate, discrimination, abuse or bullying.
3.3.12. will dutifully report any transgressions to this Code of Conduct by the Club and any one affiliated with
the Club though the grievance procedure or via the Club’s Welfare Officer;
3.3.13. will reject any form of cheating practices in sport;
3.3.14. will adhere to the UK’s Anti-Doping policy: UK Anti-Doping - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
3.3.15. will display the highest standard of sportsmanship in either victory or defeat;
3.3.16. will reject any form of abuse – verbal, emotional, or physical abuse – or any malicious provocation, of
officials, coaches, spectators or participants;
3.3.17. will act as a positive role model for volleyball by conducting myself in a way that projects a positive
image of my role, including being fair, considerate and honest with participants, parents and officials;
3.3.18. will place the welfare and safety of each participant above all else;
3.3.19. will promote an environment free of bullying, fear, discrimination, hate, and harassment;
3.3.20. will cooperate in good faith with officials, club committee, other coaches/assistant coaches and
